
Overcoming the Fear Barrier: Achieving Success in Direct Sales

December 1, 2016

Hey gorgeous, it’s time to get sassy and confident, just like moi! Let’s be real for a moment though, I wasn’t always confident, let alone courageous! My success in Direct Sales has been a long road, that truly helped me to break free from my shell. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in […]

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I'm Dawn!

So often we feel pulled in a variety of directions, we forget to take care of ourselves. My goal is to help you play full out in health, life and business, so you can spend precious time with those you love. You can have your cake and eat it too! 


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Hey gorgeous, it’s time to get sassy and confident, just like moi! Let’s be real for a moment though, I wasn’t always confident, let alone courageous! My success in Direct Sales has been a long road, that truly helped me to break free from my shell. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in the world of Direct Sales or Network Marketing. But let’s call it what it is, a sea of opportunity and a journey worth taking!

I’ve been in this game for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s not for the faint of heart. This isn’t your average 9-5 gig, but if you’re up for a challenge and ready to take control of your life, then buckle up, because this is the ride of a lifetime!

Don’t be fooled by the naysayers or anyone selling you the “get rich quick” dream. That’s a trap, darling. This is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and the pursuit of living life on your own terms. It’s not about the money or the fame, but about the impact you can have on others and the legacy you can leave behind.

But, what makes this industry so unique, you ask? It’s the people! Surrounding yourself with a sea of positive, driven, and self-motivated individuals is what sets this industry apart. You’ll never have to face this journey alone, and trust me, the support and friendship you’ll gain is worth its weight in gold.

I know, I know, the stigma of this industry can be tough. True success in Direct Sales seems like an allusion. I’ve been there, trying to hide behind my title advancements, trips, and awards to prove to others that this is a legitimate industry. But, let me tell you, that’s not what this is about. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not, just be yourself and own it!

That’s the secret to success in Direct Sales.

So, how do you prepare for this journey? Courage, my friend, not confidence. Courage to explore the unknown, to find the information, to embrace the systems of others, to endure, to be introspective, and to embrace the possibilities. Fear of failure is just fear holding you back, but if your “why” is strong enough, your courage will shine through.

And let’s not confuse courage with confidence. Confidence is a learned skill, it comes from patience, practice, and persistence. The individuals who are highly visible in this industry didn’t start out confident, they started out with a leap of faith, a glimmer of excitement, and asked themselves “why not?” And look at them now, they’re slaying it!

This is your time to dance, to take the leap of faith and go after your dreams. Don’t let fear hold you back, don’t settle for a stagnant life. This is your journey, make it count! So, why not?

It’s your turn! Check out my Courage to Confidence Series and let’s show the world what you’ve got!

The possibilities are endless, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you!

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I'm Dawn, your new "never say never" friend.

Learn more about the health struggles I personally went through, and how I overcame them through combining multiple forms of healing that I now use to help my private clients.

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Synergy Holistic Wellness & Dawn Plotts & Co is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness and disease, rather to provide education and support. Please reach out to a medical doctor in case of medical emergencies or to check for pharmaceutical contraindications. Dawn Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness is not a healthcare provider.