
Unleash Your Potential: 5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Affiliates

November 16, 2016

“Life’s Too Short To Play it Safe: Embrace the Resistance, Unleash Your Potential and Find Your Purpose” Ladies and gents, let’s get real. We’ve all been there – stuck in a rut, feeling like we’re just going through the motions, and wondering if this is all there is to life. Truthfully, honey, trust me it […]

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Why I do believe in affiliate marketing
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So often we feel pulled in a variety of directions, we forget to take care of ourselves. My goal is to help you play full out in health, life and business, so you can spend precious time with those you love. You can have your cake and eat it too! 


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“Life’s Too Short To Play it Safe: Embrace the Resistance, Unleash Your Potential and Find Your Purpose”

Ladies and gents, let’s get real. We’ve all been there – stuck in a rut, feeling like we’re just going through the motions, and wondering if this is all there is to life. Truthfully, honey, trust me it doesn’t have to be that way.

Our society has taught us to follow the path of least resistance, honestly, the truth is, that path rarely leads to happiness or fulfillment. So, let’s ditch the stereotypes and start asking ourselves the tough questions.

What do we fear most? Is our life just a series of mediocre opportunities that never quite give us the satisfaction we crave?

Well, I’m here to tell you that the answer to unleash your potential lies within.

“The greatest resistance to finding your true purpose and destiny is often yourself.”

As a leadership speaker and life coach, I’ve learned this lesson firsthand. A couple of years ago, I left my full-time job to pursue my passion for speaking and helping others. But, as I built my platform back up, I realized quickly, that I needed a revenue stream to fill some immediate gaps. So, I stepped back into the world of Direct Sales and Network Marketing.

And, let me tell you, it was a humbling experience. Truth be told, no one ever really wants to start from the beginning, but that’s exactly where I found myself. And to be transparent, it’s also where my entrepreneurial spirit shines and where I’ve found the freedom and income potential that I’ve always dreamed of.

So, if you’re considering joining the world of Affiliate Marketing, here are my top 5 tips for choosing the right affiliate:

    1. Unique Niche in the Marketplace: Look for a company that offers a unique product or service that sets them apart from the competition. This will increase your chances of success by having a marketable offering that people want to invest in.
    2. High Demand: Make sure the product or service you are representing has high demand in the market. This will increase your chances of making sales and growing your business.
    3. Alignment with Personal Vision: Look for a company that aligns with your personal values, beliefs, and mission. It’s essential to have a company that you believe in and can stand behind.
    4. Reputable Leadership: Ensure that the leadership of the company is reputable and has a proven track record of success. This will increase your confidence in the company and their ability to provide support and guidance to help you grow your business.
    5. Timing: Consider the current economic conditions and whether it’s the right time to invest in this type of business. Look for a company that is stable and has a solid business plan in place, especially during tough economic times.

Is this for you?

Choosing the right affiliate is critical to your success in the world of direct sales and network marketing. Make sure you take the time to research and consider each of these 5 tips before making your decision. Trust your gut, align with your passion, and always stay true to who you are!

For me, it was crucial that any opportunity align with my personal passion, purpose, and vision for my future. I was lucky enough to find a global business model with a well-established company in an exploding industry, and with a focus on families and meeting the needs of growing wellness demands. The icing on the cake was the amazing leadership that stopped me in my tracks. You’ll never know the defining moment that will allow you to unleash your potential, but trust me there’s no denying the inspiration once it happens!

So, ask yourself the tough questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? And, if your current path aligns with these, you know it’s all by design.

Don’t settle for the path of least resistance. Embrace the resistance and find your purpose.

If you’re ready to reach the “next level” or you’re looking to make a massive shift in reaching that next chapter in life, let’s coordinate a discovery call to discuss your goals, roadblocks and priorities, and see if coaching may just be a good option!

Life’s too short to play it safe!


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I'm Dawn, your new "never say never" friend.

Learn more about the health struggles I personally went through, and how I overcame them through combining multiple forms of healing that I now use to help my private clients.

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Synergy Holistic Wellness & Dawn Plotts & Co is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness and disease, rather to provide education and support. Please reach out to a medical doctor in case of medical emergencies or to check for pharmaceutical contraindications. Dawn Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness is not a healthcare provider.