Health + Wellness

5 Easy Tips for Eating Healthy on the Weekend

February 3, 2020

I was so annoyed with myself and my inability to stay on plan, until I learned some easy tips for eating healthy on the weekend! Do you feel frustrated as if it’s almost impossible to continue eating healthy on the weekends? Sure, it’s easy to make good food choices during the week and to stay […]

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So often we feel pulled in a variety of directions, we forget to take care of ourselves. My goal is to help you play full out in health, life and business, so you can spend precious time with those you love. You can have your cake and eat it too! 


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I was so annoyed with myself and my inability to stay on plan, until I learned some easy tips for eating healthy on the weekend! Do you feel frustrated as if it’s almost impossible to continue eating healthy on the weekends? Sure, it’s easy to make good food choices during the week and to stay in routine, until Friday. If you’re like me, the weekends are an array of meeting friends, dining out and what use to be my favorite glass of Sauvignon Blanc!

5 Healthy Tips for Eating Healthy over the Weekend.  Nutrition Tips to set you up for success, while still enjoying time with family and friends. Visit for more ideas!
Photo Courtesy Ella Olsson, Unsplash

Meal Prep even on the weekends! Chaotic Schedules? Impulse Choices? Create Options!

Are you caught in the perpetual cycle of self sabotage? Are you eager to learn a few of the 5 easiest tips for eating healthy on the weekend?


It all starts with creating habits.


1. First and foremost, let’s create a weekend routine!

It’s easier to stay on track during the week days because you have a routine set in place. A typical day may consist of waking up, eating breakfast, driving to work, eating your snacks, a scrumptious planned lunch… you get my point.

But on the weekends, you’re probably sleeping in and just going with the flow, instead of following your normal weekday routine. And that’s the problem. The inconsistency starts first thing in the morning and it just snowballs through the day.

So this weekend try to follow your weekday schedule a little more. Drink a high quality protein shake, then make sure you have your 2nd shake or a healthy lunch, schedule your workout time, then plan ahead for dinner so you can make some healthy choices! Even dinner out can be a success when you avoid the bread dipped in oil and limit your cocktails. And how about asking for dressings and sauces on the side? 

Your weekend routine doesn’t have to be exactly the same as your work day but make sure it’s something that is easy to stick to the majority of the time! I like to think in percentages and when I look at my weekend. I always strive to stay on plan 80-90% of the weekend. 

Incorporating meal prep into your routine can be a powerful tool for promoting a healthier lifestyle, saving time and money, and reducing stress associated with meal planning and cooking. Our very next 21-Day Meal Prep Challenge is about to start! It’ll change your world, plus save you time and money! 

Download my Guide to Clean Eating for many more resources!


2. Prepare a Healthy Dessert!

Find a recipe for a healthy dessert that you love then make a big batch and portion it out! That way you can grab a serving when you’re feeling the cravings. (Notice I said 1 serving; hint, hint) Chocolate Chip Protein Blondies, Protein Balls and Smoothie Bowls are a couple of my favorites!

This is also super helpful when there’s tons or treats around. You’ll have your healthy dessert to fall back on in desperate moments. Pssst….you can find lots of those healthy desserts on in my private Integrative Holistic Coaching Group! Pronuts, protein balls and so much more!!!! Click “here” if you’d like to receive more information or for a free 20 minute consultation.


3. Pick Healthier Options when Eating Out!

Here are the two tips that I always suggest for choosing healthy options when eating out!

First, take a look at the menu online before you go. You can pick a few options ahead of time so you’re not rushed, and feeling pressured at the restaurant. Planning sets you up for success, instead of picking something unhealthy having to make quick last minute decisions.

Second, don’t be afraid to ask questions about how the meal is prepared and what ingredients are used. If you explain that you have certain restrictions, servers are usually very happy to help. You are typically loading up on hundreds, if not thousands of unnecessary fat calories due to butter and oils.

I will typically say something like this, “I have some food restrictions and need to eat as clean as possible. Can you please grill the salmon (or filet), substitute the mashed potatoes for brown rice and add some steamed asparagus. Please also put all sauces on the side.”

Simple. Right?
You just have to ask.
So many people have food related allergies today, most of your restaurants can easily comply with your requests.

Picking something healthy won’t only help you reach your goals, but help you feel so much better overall too. It’s fun to find healthy restaurants in your area to explore! I’ve even found that many of the dishes I order taste so much better when they’re not drowning in sodium laden sauces.


4. Be Active on the Weekend!

I know laying around on the couch all weekend is super nice some times. But I want to encourage you to walk, hike, ride your bike, or get your 30 minute workouts in on Saturday and Sunday.

Here’s one to try!

I like to sneak in some fasted cardio on Saturdays and Sundays before the kids are even out of bed. Remember, light cardio keeping your heart rate in a Zone 1 (about 110-120 HR) for about 30-40 minutes before you intake any calories (a small black coffee is okay). This will actually trick your body into using fat for fuel.

You may not realize it, but when you sit around and watch Netflix all day you’re a lot more likely to be snacking through out the day and that adds up to a lot of unnecessary processed calories! Binge watching = Binge eating!

So not only will some exercise burn calories but it will also make you feel motivated and confident. This will save you from sitting around and munching all day!


5. Dig Deep into your WHY!!!!!

I don’t think I need to say much more about this, but just in case you feel disconnected or perhaps you know you should be doing more, but you need the accountability and motivation… Click here for an initial complimentary consultation to see if you’d benefit from Integrative Health and holistic health coaching.

If you’re interested in learning more about one of my favorite ways to set clients up for long term success with quarterly detoxing, you may want to check out some of my latest blogs.

Cheering you on to the healthiest version of YOU!


Disclaimer: Not Professional Medical Advice. The content shared on this Site and by Dawn Marie Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness is not professional medical advice, nor is it a substitute for such advice. This Site is simply a compilation of content and services that Dawn Marie Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness is providing. The information on this Site and the content and services provided by Dawn Marie Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness are not designed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, pain, deformity, injury, or mental or physical condition of any kind. It is solely your responsibility to decide whether to seek professional medical advice before engaging with Dawn Marie Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness content or making any decisions regarding your own health.

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I'm Dawn, your new "never say never" friend.

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Synergy Holistic Wellness & Dawn Plotts & Co is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness and disease, rather to provide education and support. Please reach out to a medical doctor in case of medical emergencies or to check for pharmaceutical contraindications. Dawn Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness is not a healthcare provider.