Is there something right now that has you a bit uncomfortable and stepping out of your comfort zone?
You’re nervous, reluctant and wondering if anyone will notice if you just slink back into your old routine? .
After all, no one is really expecting you to show up in a BIG and BOLD way, right?
There’s that nagging feeling that you keep feeling called to do something bigger and yet, you feel as if it’s way out of your league. You see no possible way to accomplish this feat because you’re lacking knowledge, skill or even the basic “know – how”, which leaves you feeling like an imposter!
I bet you can’t tell that I’m still a bit nervous here!
WOW what a constant lesson in TRUST and ENERGY I learn every time I’m out here on the farm… This morning has me thinking of all those moments of being uncomfortable and wondering which directions we choose to pursue.
Why do most people constantly fall back into complacency?
If you’re like me, I’m confident you know far too many people not living up to their potential.
I’m standing out here watching these magnificent gentle creatures, with the innate thoughts of which way do I run if things go awry.
Do I have an escape route?
My flight syndrome usually is the first thing to kick in… How do I get out of this place?
I believe we are often in new situations to help us learn to tackle some of our greatest fears or that God holds us in an uncomfortable place for a time to learn a valuable lesson. And far too often we’re looking for an escape, we not leaning into the glory of the lesson. We don’t realize that perhaps on the other side of this discomfort is the place we need to be, the place where we step into our greatest potential and witness the power of HIS miracles.
What if being in that uncomfortable state we begin to understand, that in this place, fear is just energy. It’s actually rooted to people or circumstances (often painful) from our past, that allow our subconscious to govern decisions we make in life.
God doesn’t want us to live STUCK ~
He wants us to PROSPER, to have HOPE and a FUTURE.
The realization is that no matter what the past looks like – We must learn to fully TRUST God!
A friend asked me recently what it was like to “truly surrender to God”. This is what the “Courage to Confidence Course” about…
I believe that sometimes our lives have been so out of control that we try to control everything around us. It’s in learning to surrender to HIS will and realize that this life is on his terms and not your agenda.
In those moments where you listen carefully in the quiet, it’s in those oddest moments that you’ll gain HIS wisdom. Above all, Is it not wisdom that we are to seek?
What does seeking look like? For me it’s meditation, prayer, and quiet. A daily practice that often looks different from day to day. I can usually hear HIM in the uncommon places ~ a walk in nature, sitting quietly near the water and among animals are my favorite SPACES.
As the adage goes, you have to “let go and let God”! This requires relinquishing your plans and TRUSTING his plans completely. It truly is the only way to step into HIS promises in this lifetime. ❤️
Join me as we walk in Faith with Christ~
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