Health + Wellness

Copper Toxicity and the Calcium Shell

October 6, 2024

Hey friends! 👋 If you caught my last post about the sneaky Calcium Shell messing with your energy, digestion, and mood, I’ve got something even juicier for you today: Copper Toxicity. Yep, we’re diving deep into understanding copper toxicity and its health impacts, revealing how this little-known mineral imbalance can be the root cause behind […]

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Hey friends! 👋 If you caught my last post about the sneaky Calcium Shell messing with your energy, digestion, and mood, I’ve got something even juicier for you today: Copper Toxicity. Yep, we’re diving deep into understanding copper toxicity and its health impacts, revealing how this little-known mineral imbalance can be the root cause behind some major health struggles—and it’s tied directly to that pesky Calcium Shell we discussed.

So, What’s the Deal with Copper Toxicity?

Copper is one of those minerals your body absolutely needs, but here’s the kicker: too much of a good thing can turn toxic real quick. When copper levels get out of control (or your body can’t process it properly), things can go sideways fast. Enter: Copper Toxicity—and trust me, it’s not something you want to ignore.

This imbalance can lead to a whole host of symptoms that leave you feeling like you’re stuck in a fog. And, believe it or not, Copper Toxicity often sets the stage for that Calcium Shell I mentioned before.

How Copper and Calcium Team Up (In the Worst Way)

Here’s how these two troublemakers connect: when copper overloads your system, it messes with other minerals like potassium and sodium. This throws your adrenal glands into overdrive, burning them out. As a result, calcium starts to build up around your cells to protect them—yep, that’s your Calcium Shell in action.

In short: If you’ve got a Calcium Shell, copper is probably one of the main culprits. These two minerals are like partners in crime, and when they’re out of balance, your body starts sending up all kinds of red flags—fatigue, brain fog, mood swings—you name it!

What Causes Copper Toxicity?

There are a few reasons you might be dealing with excess copper, including:

  1. Everyday Exposure: From copper pipes to certain foods, pool chemicals and even birth control, copper can sneak into your system.
  2. Stress & Adrenal Burnout: Chronic stress wears down your adrenal glands, which play a huge role in mineral balance.
  3. Hormonal Imbalances: Pregnancy, birth control, menopause—these all mess with copper levels.
  4. Nutritional Deficiencies: If you’re low in zinc (which balances copper), your body can struggle to keep copper in check.

Symptoms of Copper Toxicity

If you’ve been feeling off and can’t figure out why, copper might be the issue. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Anxiety & Mood Swings: Feeling overwhelmed, irritable, or anxious for no apparent reason.
  • Fatigue: The kind that makes you want to nap all day.
  • Brain Fog: That “cloudy” feeling where you just can’t think clearly.
  • Digestive Issues: Bloating, nausea, or just feeling ‘off’ after meals.
  • Hormonal Chaos: PMS, irregular cycles, or heightened symptoms around your period.
  • Skin Problems: Acne, rashes, or random breakouts.
  • Weight Struggles: If you’re doing everything right but the scale isn’t budging.

Sound familiar? Many of these symptoms overlap with the Calcium Shell, so if you’re dealing with one, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with the other.

How Do We Fix It?

The good news? You don’t have to live with Copper Toxicity forever. There’s a way to get to the root cause and start healing.

  1. HTMA Testing: This simple Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) helps us see what’s really going on with your mineral levels. Routine blood tests can miss this stuff, but HTMA? It’s like a peek into your body’s mineral blueprint. If you’d like to discuss this testing, please apply for a complimentary consult here.Here’s a sample lab of a 13 year old client with significant allergies, anxiety, and OCD type tendencies.

    dawn plotts electrolyte Minerals HTMA test of 13 year old client
    dawn plotts Nutrient Minerals HTMA test of 13 year old client

  2. Mineral Rebalancing: Once we’ve got your test results, we’ll create a custom plan to rebalance your minerals. That might mean upping your zinc (to balance copper) or supporting your adrenals so they can function optimally.
  3. Detox Support: When it comes to Copper Toxicity, supporting your body through detox is key. The goal isn’t to just flush everything out quickly; it’s to detox in a way that’s safe, balanced, and tailored to your unique needs.We’ll focus on strategies that are gentle but effective, helping your body release excess copper and other toxins without overwhelming your system.
    • Chelation Support: This is a more targeted approach for clearing heavy metals like copper from your body. Chelation helps bind to excess copper and other metals so they can be safely eliminated.There are both natural and supplemental chelation methods, including the use of:
      • Cilantro & Chlorella: Known as gentle, natural chelators that help bind to metals and support detox.
      • Activated Charcoal: Helps bind to toxins and metals in the digestive tract, aiding in elimination.
      • DMSA or EDTA: Under guidance, these supplements can be used to chelate metals, but it’s crucial to only use them in a personalized, monitored way.
      • Liposomal Glutathione: This powerhouse antioxidant supports the liver’s detox pathways, helping the body naturally clear out toxins and metals.
    • Functional Medicine Detox: Along with chelation, we’ll support your liver and kidneys—the body’s natural detox systems—so they can do their job efficiently.Think:
      • Sweating it Out: Infrared sauna or Epsom salt baths can help your body release toxins through sweat.
      • Herbal Teas: Dandelion, milk thistle, and nettle teas support your liver and kidneys.
      • Mineral Balancing: We’ll make sure you’re reintroducing the right minerals like magnesium and zinc to keep everything in harmony as you detox.
  4. Stress Management: Since stress is a huge trigger for both Copper Toxicity and the Calcium Shell, finding ways to lower your stress levels is key. Whether that’s yoga, meditation, or even just getting out in nature, we’ll figure out what works best for you.

Take Action Now

The thing about Copper Toxicity? It doesn’t just go away on its own. But with the right plan, you can tackle it head-on and start feeling like yourself again.

🔑 Next Step: If you haven’t checked out my deep dive on the Calcium Shell yet, I recommend giving it a read here. Then, let’s connect for a Complimentary Discovery Call so we can chat about whether HTMA testing and a personalized healing plan is right for you.

💡 Heads Up: I’m offering a special package right now that includes HTMA testing, a 4-month personalized wellness plan, and ongoing support to help you break free from Copper Toxicity/Calcium shell and get back to feeling vibrant and healthy. This is your chance to take control of your health and leave those nagging symptoms behind for good.

Bottom Line

Copper may be a trace mineral, but when it’s out of balance, it can trigger all kinds of problems, including the formation of the Calcium Shell. Together, they can create a perfect storm of symptoms that leave you feeling stuck.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! By addressing the root cause and rebalancing your minerals, you can break free from the hold Copper Toxicity has on your body and finally start living with more energy, clarity, and vitality.

✨ Ready to dive deeper and take control of your health? Let’s chat and create a plan tailored just for you. Schedule your discovery call today and let’s get you back to feeling your best!

Follow me for more up-to-date content on my social channels:

For more information on Functional Medicine Detox Strategies see my following articles:

How To Prepare For Your Detox
Detox FAQs
How To Maximize Your Detox Experience

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Synergy Holistic Wellness & Dawn Plotts & Co is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness and disease, rather to provide education and support. Please reach out to a medical doctor in case of medical emergencies or to check for pharmaceutical contraindications. Dawn Plotts & Synergy Holistic Wellness is not a healthcare provider.